Writers Bloc Blog
Fiction Reviews Reviews, Writers Bloc Writers Bloc describes itself as a spoken word performance collective. Based in Edinburgh, it mounts frequent wordfests, frequented by leather clad lovers of all that is arcane in literature (and beer).
At the end of 2004 they launched a new venture, publishing short stories by two of their authors in pamphlet form. Gavin Inglis, a haphazardly hirsute figure who favours black attire adorned with skulls, specialises in the spooking word. Even flint hearted sceptics will shudder (perhaps with laughter) at his Crap Ghosts short story collection. Stefan Pearson, similarly a scribe of the sinister, has produced The Chronicles of Vinegar Tom. As the blurb opines: ‘Vinegar Tom is no pussy cat and this collection has claws.’
The pamphlets are priced at £3.50 each and have been produced in numbered limited edition of 250 copies, signed by their authors. You can buy them by emailing