Artists, Interviews camels, Cilla Birt, Circus, circus books, Jennie Renton, lion-taming, tigers
Meeting Cilia stimulated me to find out something about circus books. It struck me what a joy a collection of books about circus would be – an impression amplified by a reading of R. Toole-Stott’s introduction to his world bibliography of Circus and Allied Arts. Here, he makes his own selection of those books which are ‘outstanding not only on account of their rarity, but also because of the genuine understanding they reveal of some aspect of the circus or circus life’. As they would make a marvellous nucleus to any collection of circus books, the details of a number of these circus ‘classics’ are listed below. Circus programmes and posters have an integral part in a good circus collection. By their nature few survive the event they advertise, and their bombastic announcements of unparalleled deeds of daring evoke the glorious glitz and excitement of it all as nothing else can.
It’s hard to track down anything about early Scottish ciros. An extremely scarce pamphlet that does deal with circus in Scotland is Harry S. Lumsden’s History of Cooke’s Royal Circus: the Oldest Establishment in the World, having existed for two centuries, with particulars about the Cookes. With portraits and Illustrations, n.d. Aberdeen. R. Toole-Stott gives 1897 as its date of publication and describes it as ‘an extremly rare item of great historical importance. Only a few copies have survived as it was sold on the show and never reprinted in boot form’.
The first member of the Cooke family about whom anything is known is Thomas Cooke whose circus travelled to fairs and markets all over Britain. Harry Lumsden recounts an incident on one of Cooke’s tours: ‘About the year 1784, while on one of his visits to Mauchlin, Robert Burns had the pleasure of listening to the famous musician Peter McNab, who was at that time first fiddle in Cooke’s Circus. He played The Braes of Invermay and Roslin Castle one evening after the performance ended. It is said that Burns listened with “rapt attention and delight”.’
The Cooke family’s extraordinarily intrepid and dedicated spirit is exemplified in Thomas’s son, Thomas Taplin Cooke, strong man, rope-walker, heavy balancer and equestrian wizard. Harry Lumsden tells how in 1836 Thomas Taplin Cooke charactered The Royal Stuart of Greenock and took the entire company to New York. Consider the scale of the undertaking: the company consisted of 130 performers (including40 members of the Cooke family), not to mention a full complement of musicians, grooms and other hands. Along with them went 42 horses and 14 ponies. In America fire destroyed one of the enormous circuses Cooke had erected, but, nothing daunted, he returned to Britain and set about constructing a number of these semi-permanent wooden circuses around the country. There was one on Glasgow Green. Members of the Cooke family continue to delight circus audiences to the present day.
Family dynasties are the backbone of British circus. Traditionally, acts are passed on and developed from generation to generation. Such is the mystique of the family system that it is difficult for outsiders to break into the magic circle. I asked Cilia how she had managed to do it.
‘My parents were in the film trade and I had no circus connections,’ she told me. ‘But I had wanted to join a circus ever since, as a little girl of six, I had watched one set up in a field next to my boarding school. I remember watching people practice their acts, my nose pressed to the wire perimeter fence at the end of the school playing field. I was an only child; seeing the show from the outside, it was the camaraderie of the circus people that impressed me. I wanted to be part of it before I had seen a single circus performance.’
Throughout her childhood she read as many books as she could about circus.
‘They gave me the idea that the best way for an outsider to get in was as a groom – which is exactly what happened. I joined Chipperfield’s, and after a while I got a chance to train as a high school rider – dressage as they call it in horse shows. It was all originally battle training.’
In the early days, she once left a camel tethered to the tunnel the tigers run through to leave the ring, not realising that the tunnel wasn’t shackled together at the time.
‘The camel pulled two sections of the tunnel apart and the last tiger to leave the ring escaped. The boy who fed the tigers went with me to look for him. Only he and I knew what had happened. We were hoping to get our tiger back to the circus without telling anyone or causing a fuss – and we did. We spotted him wandering round the garden of a nearby house. The gate creaked as we went in and someone came to the window, so we fell into each other’s arms and pretended to be a courting couple. The woman at the window just tutted and drew the curtains. She didn’t notice there was a tiger in her garden!’
One season, she got a job with a small show called Lazards.
‘Lazards was buying a lion on Hire Purchase from a man who wouldn’t give away the lion’s cues until payment was completed. Unfortunately, he died before Lazards had paid all the money. Now we had a lion on the show that we couldn’t take into the ring because nobody knew the cues. Everyone apart from the fire-eater thought it would be a good idea if a fire-eater went into the ring to train the lion, on the theory that the lion wouldn’t eat the fire-eater because it would be scared of the flaming torch. I volunteered for the job. That’s how I came to learn fire-eating! As it turned out, I only used the torch for a couple of days because the cat didn’t like the fire and we got on better without it. This gave me an idea for a fire eating act of my own, with which I could get bookings in my own right. I’ve been doing it ever since.’
Cilla is convinced that the best factual books about circuses are written by people who travelled with them and know the circus lifestyle.
‘Writers who try to wring drama from circus with stories of artistes trying to sabotage each other are very wide of the mark. In real circus everybody works together, anything else is much too dangerous. Behind the scenes drama comes from fighting the elements. My favourite children’s book about circus is Noel Streatfield’s The Circus is Coming. She gets it right. Circus people are described as I found them; she tells a lot about how people are trained, and the rapport between them and their animals. Her characters always have a shirt sleeve job as well a spangled job.’
In her view, British audiences don’t usually know much about the skills that go into circus acts.
‘They notice what’s showy or sensational, rather than appreciate the expertise involved. Anyone who is really interested in understanding what goes into circus acts should read Anthony Hippisley Coxe’s A Seat at the Circus, which gives details of the training and the technique of every single circus act. Circus is like ballet, an art requiring dedication and gruelling training from performers that is, in the end, physically transcendent.
Toole-Stott, R. Circus and Allied Arts. A World Bibliography. Derby, Harper and Sons. Four volumes. The fourth volume brings the bibliography up to 1971.
Streatfield, Noel. The Circus is Coming. Illustrated by Steven Spurrier. London, J.M. Dent & Sons (1938).
Coxe A. Hippisley. A Seat at the Circus. Illustrated by John Skeaping. London, Evans, 1951
© Jennie Renton
I have most of these books and collect others as my grandmother was sister to Alfred Eugene Godolphin Cooke, famous equestrian and flying trapeze artist,she had no connection with circus herself. I am interested inanything related to the Cooke family. Alfred Eugene died in Glasgow and was working for Hengler\\\’s at the time, he had a great circus parade for his funeral. This was described in the papers of the time, the men from the Zoo carried his coffin, I cannot find the description of the parade anywhere and would love to read it. His young daughter Daisy went into the circus but don\\\’t know what happened to her.My greatgrandfather died in early November 1900. If you can help me I will be most grateful. E.P.
My great-grandmother (Ida R. L. Cooke Dodge Robinson …b.1871-d.1972) was the eldest daughter of Alfred Eugene Godolphin and Helena Cooke. I think that would make us cousins! Hope to hear from you soon …
nice to see a get some information on the Cooke’s was a big fan in my younger days. Thank You
I have heard of you! as my aunt Maggie Hammerton put together a tree some years ago after a visit from Aunt Ida.I also have a photo of Ida and my grandmother together.My son Charles is a great researcher of the family tree.! am indeed your 2nd cousin!
Hello Elspeth and Joy, I am very interested in your posts here as I have been researching a Cooke Family tree for some years now. I would love to compare what I have with the tree Maggie Hammerton compiled and share information with you and compare notes with Charles. Please contact me at
a couple of things to add …… The ship that took Thomas Taplin Cooke to America in 1836 was the ‘ROGER Stuart’ not the ‘Royal Stuart’ of Greenock 😉 Also, Cilla’s story of the escaped tiger is most unlikely – tigers were only ever in the tunnel between their wagon and the ring when someone was in the ring to receive them and next to the junction to send them. The protocol on Chipperfields for checking the tunnel was such that, had one escaped, then the trainer in the ring, the beast man at the junction and the assistant trainer on the tunnel would all have instantly known. The story of the tiger’s re-capture is charming but improbably 😉
My Great great grandfather Robert Stanley Walker, was manager and advance man for Thomas Cooke’s circus in the 1850s. His son, Thomas Dawson Walker became known as Whimsical Walker. Has anyone information on this association?
can i use your picture in our free newsletter if i put your name at the bottom as the artist? Please contacf me back as soon as possible.
hi i am the gr gr grandaughter of thomas t cooke alfreds father alfred was brother to my gr grandfather james clement boswell not sure how we are related. i am researching the family tree and would like to visit the cooke memorial in london one day soon.donna.
I know Alfred Eugene Cooke was my great great great grandfather, I have a very faded photo of him, but I can’t trace which of his offspring was the parent of my great grandmother Jane Lavinia Camille.can anyone help?
I have my grandfather (William Brine)’s scrapbook when he traavelled with Cooke’s circus to India and south africa 1892 to 1895 with many newspaper articles about the show. My grandfather was Hercules in the circus – would love to know more. thanks paula
Hi Paula, your scrapbook sounds fascinating! Any way of getting some copies of articles of the circus?
And Anne and Donna – how great to be connected (I’m the son my mother Elspeth speaks of at the top of these comments).
I too am related Alfred Eugene Godolphin Cooke he was my Great Great Grandfather. For anybody interested in The Cooke’s Circus may i recommend a recently published book ‘ Cooke’s Britain’s Great circus dynasty ‘ by Stuart McMillan. It covers extensively John Henry Cooke who was his cousin and Alfred Eugene himself. I would be pleased to hear from any other Cooke descendants iam
Hi Paula and Charles. I am researching the descendants of the Sulley family line which is related to the Cooke family by marriage. Kate Sulley was the wife of James Frederick Cooke. Kate and J.F. had daughters Emily, Daisy, Pauline/Paulina and possibly Dora. The girls were primarily equestriennes. The Cooke family travled to South Africa and performed in the circus there in 1891/1892 w/ the Brown Circus family and in Zimbabwe (abt. 19870 as the “Cooke Circus”. We are most interested in what happened to Kate Cooke (Sulley) and the daughters as we are
Kate Cooke died in Johannesburg 19th August 1903, Her husband James Fredrick Cooke died 30th June 1924 also in Johannesburg
I have now seen the cooke memorial in London. sadly vandalised i wonder if anyone has a picture of james clement boswell died in the ring in cirque dhiver france. I have searched.endlessly and cant find even a drawing.
I wonder if the Miss Daisy is the same Miss Daisy that is mentioned along with with my grandfather in the newspaper clipping I have from grandpa’s diary (1892,3,4,5) when he was Hercules in cooke’s circus in south africa) Daisy rides the horses at the same time as William was Hercules in Cookes circus. My father told me my grandpa was totally fascinated and besotted with Daisy!
In 1880-1881, the Schumann circus was in Norway and the daughter of equistrian Frederick Cooke was born. In the birth papers he is said to be 35 years old. The mother was a younger Dane. I am doing then research for the family and would be very grateful for any feedback on who this Frederick was.
Hi there! I’m researching Mary Anne Cooke, daughter of Thomas Teplin, wife to William H Cole, then Miles Orton, and mother to William Washington Cole, founder of the Cole Bros. Do you have any information you could share? Thank you 🙂 My email is x
My grandmother was Florence Cole, daughter of Mary Anne Cooke and William Cole. If you’re interested in exchanging information pls feel free to contact me on
Best regards John
John Schumann, Florence Cole is not the daughter of Mary Anne Cooke & William Henry Cole. Contact me for more information
i’m researching death Circus history and I’m wondering if anybody can tell me more about the members of the Cooke family.