Mothering Words
Authors, Interviews Anita Govan Because she is a performance poet, Anita Govan’s voice is inevitably identified with her work. However, the emotional note she strikes for any particular piece varies dramatically from performance to performance. ‘Three Monkeys and Me’ – which always gets a strong audience response – might be delivered in a quiet, reflective mood, or belted out in a presentation jagged with pain and anger. Whatever the mood, the impression given is always of supreme confidence. In her workshops Anita is dedicated to encouraging others to find their voice and express their work in their own way. Her skill is based on personal knowledge of struggle – despite her achievements, her battle with serious dyslexia is ongoing. She approaches this subject directly in ‘D’s for Dragons.’
From Thursday 6 July 2006, Anita will be hosting BeatniX, a poetry night on the first Thursday of every month, at The Jazz Bar, 1a Chambers Street, Edinburgh
Jane is published by Luath Press (ISBN 1905222149 £8.99 PBK).
Interview © Jennie Renton 2006, Poetry © Anita Govan
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