Young Guns
Editors, Interviews Craig Gibson, The Gun A conversation with the One O’Clock Gun’s editor Craig Gibson and its designer Gerry Hillman was never going to be a sombre and sober affair, and sure enough it wasn’t. Members of the Band of Hope who may be disturbed by the sound of popping, frothing cans, please dig out your ear plugs now.
Come to think of it, popping and frothing could be custom built adjectives for this no-vagaries-banned discourse, all of whose convolutions loop towards some point. Or another. After a quite orderly discussion about topics and typography, the badinage ascends to a skirling interchange on the subject of writers and writing.
The Gun is often to be found in the midst of pint/coffee swilling aficionados of paper aeroplanes. To rephrase that, aficionados of this four-columnar free-sheet, whose thirteenth issue bears the apocryphal quote from Al Capone, ‘You can go a long way with a smile. You can go a lot further with a smile and a Gun.’ Luckily enough, all you have to do to get the solution to Lucy McKenzie’s Spot-the-Stereotype Challenge is pick up a Gun.
© Jennie Renton