Dim Riv (daybreak)
Daylight comes oot o darkness
slow rose
an mylk-blue
a wash o saft light
somewye far tae da aest
comin on
comin slowly, nae haste
mylk-blue, baby-blue
fresh rose
day is comin!
da world is turnin
da stars abön wis fade
a whisper o a mön
slips wasterly,
ta wait her time again
in a lang slow lowe
wi life at da hert
a glöd at’ll waarm
da face o da aert
risin calm, strong an gold
laek nae idder moarnin
laek every idder moarnin
here’s da sun
da sun
is here!
© Laureen Johnson 2009
First in stage production ‘Circles and Tides’, Skeklers Theatre Company, 2002.
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Christine De Luca on Thu, 9th Jul 2009 5:45 pm
Lovely to see Laureen’s poems getting an airing! And the care taken to display the poetry adds to the experience of reading.
Christine De Luca on Thu, 9th Jul 2009 5:47 pm
Lovely to see Laureen’s poems getting an airing. And the care taken to display the poems increases the pleasure.
Christine De Luca on Thu, 9th Jul 2009 5:48 pm